Enterprise Edition
Flagsmith is also provided as an "Enterprise Edition" which has additional features and capabilities over the Open Source product:
- Role Based Access Controls
- SAML, OAuth, LDAP, ADFS and Okta authentication, as well as the ability to lock authentication to a single provider
- Additional database engines: Oracle, SQL Server and MySQL
- Additional deployment and orchestration options as detailed below
Deployment Options
We currently support the following infrastructure platforms:
- Kubernetes
- Redhat OpenShift
- Amazon Web Services (AWS) - via Amazon ECS
- Google Cloud Platform (GCP) - via AppEngine
- Azure - via Container Instances
If you require additional deployment options, please contact us.
We currently have the following orchestration options:
- Pulumi scripts for AWS deployments
- Terraform scripts for AWS and GCP deployments
- Helm Charts for Kubernetes deployments
- Kubernetes Operator for Kubernetes Operator deployments
Please contact us for the relevant source code for these projects.
Docker Image Repository
The Flagsmith API Enterprise Edition is hosted with a private Docker Hub repository. To access the Docker images in this repository you will need to provide a Docker Hub account. Please get in touch if you need access to these repos.
We have 2 different Enterprise Edition Images. You can choose to use either image.
"SaaS" image
This image tracks our SaaS build and includes additional packages:
- Workflows (Change Requests and Flag Scheduling)
This image also bundles the front end into the python application, meaning you don't need to run a separate front end and back end.
Enterprise Edition image
This image includes additions from the SaaS image above:
- Oracle Support
- MySQL Support
- Appdynamics Integration
- LDAP authentication
Environment Variables
Frontend Environment Variables
Variable | Example Value | Description |
API_URL | http://localhost:8888/api/v1 | The URL of the API Backend |
FLAGSMITH_CLIENT_API | http://localhost:8888/api/v1 | This is where the features for the front end themselves are pulled from. Create a project within your backend and refer to flag names |
Env Var: FLAGSMITH Value example: 4vfqhypYjcPoGGu8ByrBaj Description: The environment id
for the
project above.
Backend Environment Variables
Variable | Example Value | Description | Default Value |
LDAP_AUTH_URL | ldap://localhost:389 | The URL of the LDAP server | None |
LDAP_AUTH_USE_TLS | False | Setting this to true will initiate TLS on connection | False |
LDAP_AUTH_SEARCH_BASE | ou=people,dc=example,dc=com | The LDAP search base for looking up users | ou=people,dc=example,dc=com |
LDAP_AUTH_OBJECT_CLASS | inetOrgPerson | The LDAP class that represents a user | inetOrgPerson |
LDAP_AUTH_USER_FIELDS | username=uid,email=email | User model fields mapped to the LDAP attributes that represent them. | username=uid,email=email,first_name=givenName,last_name=sn |
LDAP_AUTH_ACTIVE_DIRECTORY_DOMAIN | DOMAIN | Sets the login domain for Active Directory users. | None |
LDAP_AUTH_CONNECT_TIMEOUT | 60 | Set connection timeouts (in seconds) on the underlying ldap3 library. | None |
LDAP_AUTH_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT | 60 | Set receive timeouts (in seconds) on the underlying ldap3 library. | None |
LDAP_AUTH_FORMAT_USERNAME | django_python3_ldap. utils.format_username_openldap | Path to a callable used to format the username to bind to the LDAP server | django_python3_ldap.utils.format_username_openldap |
LDAP_DEFAULT_FLAGSMITH_ORGANISATION_ID | 1 | All newly created users will be added to this originisation | None |
LDAP_AUTH_SYNC_USER_RELATIONS | custom_auth.ldap.sync_user_groups | Path to a callable used to sync user realtions. Note: if you are setting this value to custom_auth.ldap.sync_user_groups please make sure LDAP_DEFAULT_FLAGSMITH_ORGANISATION_ID is set. | django_python3_ldap.utils.sync_user_relations |
LDAP_AUTH_FORMAT_SEARCH_FILTERS | custom_auth.ldap.login_group_search_filter | Path to a callable used to add search filters to login to restrict login to a certain group | django_python3_ldap.utils.format_search_filters |
LDAP_SYNCED_GROUPS | CN=Readers,CN=Roles,CN=webapp01, dc=admin,dc=com:CN=Marvel,CN=Roles, CN=webapp01,dc=admin,dc=com | colon(:) seperated list of DN's of ldap group that will be copied over to flagmsith(lazily, i.e: On user login we will create the group(s) and add the current user to the group(s) if the user is a part of them). Note: please make sure to set LDAP_AUTH_SYNC_USER_RELATIONS to custom_auth.ldap.sync_user_groups inorder for this to work. | [] |
LDAP_LOGIN_GROUP | CN=Readers,CN=Roles,CN=webapp01, dc=admin,dc=com | DN of the user allowed login user group. Note: Please make sure to set LDAP_AUTH_FORMAT_SEARCH_FILTERS to custom_auth.ldap.login_group_search_filter in order for this to work. | None |
LDAP_SYNC_USER_USERNAME | john | Username used by sync_ldap_users_and_groups in order to connect to the server. | None |
LDAP_SYNC_USER_PASSWORD | password | Password used by sync_ldap_users_and_groups in order to connect to the server. | None |
Version Tags
The versions of the flagsmith-api-ee
track the versions of our Open Source version. You can view these tags here:
The application supports the use of AppDynamics for monitoring purposes. In order to set up AppDynamics for your environment follow the steps below:
There is a bug in the AppDynamics wizard that sets the value ssl = (on)
which needs to be changed to ssl = on
- Set up your application in your AppDynamics dashboard using the "Getting Started Wizard - Python".
- In the wizard you will need to select the "uWSGI with Emperor: Module Directive" when choosing a deployment method
- On completing the wizard you will be provided with a configuration file like the one seen here in the appdynamics.template.cfg provided, except with your application information. Make a copy of this information and place it in a file.
Running with docker
When running with traditional Docker you can use the code snippet below to inject the required information for running App Dynamics
docker run -t \{image_name\} -v \{config_file_path\}:/etc/appdynamics.cfg -e APP_DYNAMICS=on
Replacing the values for:
- {image_name}: the tagged name of the docker image you are using
- {config_file_path}: the absolute path of the appdynamics.cfg file on your system
Running with docker-compose
When running with the docker-compose.yml
file provided ensure the APP_DYNAMICS
environment variable is set to on
as seen below:
context: .
dockerfile: docker/Dockerfile
- \{config_file_path\}:/etc/appdynamics.cfg
Replacing the value for {config_file_path} with the absolute path of the appdynamics.cfg file on your system.
Running the command below will build the docker image with all the AppDynamics config included
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml build
This image can then be run locally using the docker-compose up
command as seen below
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up
Additional settings
If you need additional AppDynamics setup options you can find the other environment variables you can set here.
Oracle Database
Flagsmith is compatible with the Oracle database engine by configuring a few environment variables correctly. Firstly,
you'll need to ensure that you have a value for DJANGO_DB_ENGINE
set as oracle
. Then you can set the remaining
database parameters (DJANGO_DB_*
) as required.
Local Testing
The following sections detail how to run the application locally using the OracleDB Docker image. If you're looking to run the application using an instance of OracleDB elsewhere, you just need to setup the environment variables correctly as per the documentation.
You will likely need to install the Oracle client on the machine running the Flagsmith API application. The instructions to do so are here.
To run the application locally using Oracle (via Docker), you need to go through a registration with your docker hub account to get access to the images. Go to https://hub.docker.com/_/oracle-database-enterprise-edition and register. Once you've done that, you can run the Oracle database using docker, and we've created a docker-compose file to simplify this.
docker-compose -f docker-compose.oracle.yml up db
Once you have a database running, you'll need to set up the database and users correctly. This can be done with the following processes.
First, connect to the database itself:
sqlplus /nolog
docker-compose exec db bash -c "source /home/oracle/.bashrc; sqlplus /nolog"
Once connected, you'll need to run the following SQL commands. Note that these commands should be amended if you'd like a different password / user combination.
conn sys as sysdba;
# password is blank when asked
alter session set "_ORACLE_SCRIPT"=true;
create user oracle_user identified by oracle_password;
grant dba to oracle_user;
SAML Authentication
The application can be run using SAML2 as an authentication backend. You should not need any additional configuration on the startup of the application to use SAML2, however, once the application is running, you will need to create the relevant configuration entities for any organisations on your installation that require SAML2 authentication. This can currently only be done via the Django admin console, via the 'Saml Configurations' section on the 'Organisation' page. Further information on how to access the django admin console can be found here.
The SAML configuration requires the following parameters:
Parameter name | Description |
Organisation | The flagsmith organisation entity to allow SAML login for |
Organisation name | A unique string for the organisation. You'll enter this when prompted by the SSO login flow and forms part of your entity ID. |
Frontend URL | This is the URL to redirect to on a successful SAML authentication, e.g. app.flagsmith.com. |
Idp metadata | This is the metadata from your Identity Provider. |
When running the application locally, you will also need xmlsec1 installed.
SAML Environment Variables
Variable | Example Value | Description | Default Value |
SAML_FORCE_SSL | True | Ignores X-Forwarded-Proto HTTP headers and forces SAML redirects to occur over https | False |
LDAP Authentication
The application can be configured to use an LDAP based authentication backend using environment variables. When enabled, it works by authenticating the user with username and password using the ldap server, fetching the user details from the LDAP server (if the authentication was successful) and creating the user in the Django database.
Microsoft Active Directory support
LDAP is configured by default to support login via OpenLDAP. To connect to a Microsoft Active Directory, you need to modify following environment variables.
For simple usernames (e.g. "username"):
For down-level login name formats (e.g. "DOMAIN\username"):
For user-principal-name formats (e.g. "user@domain.com"):
Depending on how your Active Directory server is configured, the following additional settings may match your server better than the defaults used by django-python3-ldap:
Sync LDAP Users Groups
You can synchronise Flagsmith users and groups with your LDAP (Directory) users and groups by running the following command:
python manage.py sync_ldap_users_and_groups
Running this command will:
- Remove users from Flagsmith if they have been removed from Directory
- Remove groups from Flagsmith if they have been removed from Directory
- Remove users from group if they no longer belong to that group in Directory
- Add users to group if they belong to a new group in Directory
Load testing
There are JMeter tests avaiable in our public repo on Github:
We also recommend using wrk for load testing the core SDK endpoints. Some examples of this (make sure you update URL and environment keys!)
# Get flags endpoint
wrk -t6 -c200 -d20s -H 'X-Environment-Key: iyiS5EDNDxMDuiFpHoiwzG'
# Get flags for an identity
wrk -t6 -c200 -d20s -H 'X-Environment-Key: iyiS5EDNDxMDuiFpHoiwzG' ""
Common Installation Issues and Fixes
Front end build errors with npm ERR! errno 137
This is an out of memory error. Start the container with more RAM.